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What People are saying

This book hits close to home. I grew up with a brother with ADHD and Asperger's and my son is also neurodivergent. I LOVE how the author simplifies things like a meditation practice and how to start and uncomplicate it. I'm a sticky note fanatic. I have always made lists from the time I was a little girl to help organize my overwhelm and anxiety. I often thought "I don't journal." Then after reading this, I realized I ABSOLUTELY journal daily. This author has a gift for opening and expanding your mind and helping you realize everything you're already doing and the small ways every day you can make these tools habitual.

Heather Jade

Amazon Customer
If this is how your brain works, you'll feel like you found a friend.
- Comedian Doug Stanhope
Stefan Glazer takes you by the hand and walks you through step by step on how to navigate your life with being Neurodivergent. I felt so seen and heard by this book. The tools have not only help me but are also helping my son as he has struggled so much living with ADHD and Dyslexia. I can’t recommend this book enough.
Anonymous Amazon Customer
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I chose my 3 favorite tools, one from each category that I had in the book. Tools that I use every day. Tools that I fall back to when things get hard or I get overwhelmed. These tools are my “go-to” tools. This free book will get you started on your path to navigating neurodivergence and get you primed for the full book!
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The Navigating Neurodivergent Network

I want people to be able to navigate through this neurotypical world 

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"Tools for Navigating Neurodivergence" outlines the 3 major categories of tools I use to Navigate Neurodivergence. The Mental, Physical, and Social. I dive into each with what works for neurodivergent people, how it works, and how we can approach it with our neurodiverse minds.

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Each week on "Navigating Neurodivergence with Stefan Glazer", I speak to those in the world who have struggled and got through their neurodivergence. I talk to them about what worked for them, how they changed their thoughts, and more.  I even have neurotypical people on who can help or have helped those who struggle.

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Support Group

The Facebook group is a safe place for those who struggle or those who want to know more.  It's a place where we can talk about our issues, share links to articles and videos that help, or even share memes and jokes to help us laugh through some of the hard times.  It's a safe place for the neurodiverse. 

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about me

At 39 I was diagnosed with severe inattentive ADHD and GAD.  To some, that would have been life halting.  For me, it was the first time I felt free.

Hi guys!

My name is Stefan Glazer, a professional pet photographer who has had a life of constant battles against an unknown foe. Severe Inattentive ADHD. I had been diagnosed at the age of 39 and had my world turned upside down. At the same time, everything started to fall into place. As I learned more about myself and my struggles with how my mind worked, I realized I set place a good amount of safety and backup systems to keep me on task and create habits that will help me move forward in life.

It was those little systems and tools that helped me be more like those that are neurotypical. While those who are neurotypical have no issues with concepts like meditation, mindfulness, utilizing lists and notes, and talking to therapists could help, neurodivergent individuals are at a disadvantage when approaching these concepts as one with a typical mindset. So, I sat down and started to write out my approach, a completely different approach to using these tools.

They are from my perspective, from my years of trial and error, and what worked well for me in conquering a lot of different tasks and forming many important habits in my life. I want to be able to share these with the world, starting with this first book covering some of the basics of how I was able to become habitual with tools that help me day to day and create less stress and frustration. I don't just want to help those like me, with some sort of neurodiversity. Even neurotypical parents, friends, and partners can benefit from understanding how differently our minds work.